Extend Functionality Of Default Cam Application!
I always liked the handy shortcuts to the most used camera functions like the night mode, or flash, switching between the camera and video mode, etc just like on my old Sony Ericsson k750i.
Then I got my Nokia N82 black, took some photos, but WTF, where are my beloved shortcuts!? Only slow and annoying menu clicking, I hate it!
I was looking around if there??™s any application or maybe a hack or patch out there to bring camera shortcuts to my Nokia N82 but unfortunately there was no such thing. So I had to do it by myself, and what I created is this: The CamCuts!
The Python based application that takes control over the default camera applications and provide the fastest possible access to the most used camera features! No more annoying browsing through the menus, everything is just a one click away!! And the best of all, it's free!!!!!!
You can grab it from Rapid, pass is CamCuts and there is an English and a German version with instructions in the package! Application is developed in Python and requires it latest version for proper work and application has to be installed on the same drive as Python!
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