Colour Graduated filters are one of the most widely used category's of filter. They enhance reality, adding a touch of subtlety or drama to the image.
Some of the most popular applications include
Adding colour excitement to a drab sky.
Changing the specific colour in a scene to create a desired special effect.
Enhancing the existing colour or creating subtle colour drama.
Creating more balanced exposure in uneven lighting conditions.
Formatt Grads are available in four types:
Soft Edge - Half clear, half coloured with a smooth transition to full density. Generally used with medium to wide angle lenses.
Hard Edge - Half clear, half coloured with a definite less subtle transition. For use with long focal length lenses.
Razor Edge - As hard edge but with a solid transition line for shooting corners of buildings, knife-edge horizons or when a very bold transition is required.
Attenuator / Blender - The grad line is right at one edge of the filter so the colour change runs from top to bottom. Perfect for irregular objects and skylines.
These unique filters offer a degree of image control that in the past has required 2, 3, or even more stacked filters. A Blue #2 for example, has a graduated blue hue on one end and graduated ND on the other, letting you simultaneously control the foreground and enhance a sky.
Skyfire v0.85.8084
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